Our Family History
Lynge sogn, Alsted herred, Sorø amt
Matches 1 to 4 of 4
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | Jensen, Niels | 1799 | Lynge sogn, Alsted herred, Sorø amt | 10-1577 | bettina |
2 | Johansen Plambech, Nicoline | 21 Nov 1816 | Lynge sogn, Alsted herred, Sorø amt | 10-1524 | bettina |
3 | Johansen Plambech, Rasmus Christian | 1813 | Lynge sogn, Alsted herred, Sorø amt | 10-1513 | bettina |
4 | Plambech, Carl Christian | 18 Aug 1831 | Lynge sogn, Alsted herred, Sorø amt | 10-1522 | bettina |
Matches 1 to 2 of 2
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Christened | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | Johansen Plambech, Nicoline | 26 May 1817 | Lynge sogn, Alsted herred, Sorø amt | 10-1524 | bettina |
2 | Plambech, Carl Christian | 10 Sep 1831 | Lynge sogn, Alsted herred, Sorø amt | 10-1522 | bettina |
Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Buried | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | Pedersdatter, Maren | 7 Oct 1829 | Lynge sogn, Alsted herred, Sorø amt | 10-1529 | bettina |
Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Family | Married | Family ID | Tree | ||
1 | Plambech / Nielsdatter | 23 Apr 1830 | Lynge sogn, Alsted herred, Sorø amt | 10-1518 | bettina |